Tuesday, September 14, 2010


        If I could have any super power to choose from, I would like to choose the power to be able to push thoughts into peoples minds. With this advantage for myself, I could use it in various aspects of my life. For example, in school, I could use it with being able to push the intesions that my teachers would want to give me high marks and as well as giving easy assignments, which would be beneficial for everyone. Later in my life, when I've completed schooling, and am searching for a job, it would be helpful to not necessarily force them to hire me, but to help push that thought of me being a great candidate for the job position. As well as make sure that when I did get a job, I would be sure enough to get a raise. Finally, another example is when I have a family of my own, not only would I be able to put a reminder in my husbands mind about our anniversary, but also be sure that my kids would never do anything I did when I was their age. Although this power would greatly effect me, I could also be helpful when it comes to controlling other people such as terrorists, controlling leaders, as well as being able to help third world countries in a positive way by making sure that other powerful, rich, or arrogant people are helpful when it comes to feeding or getting medical care for those countries. Having control over peoples next move can be a big advantage for everyone in the world.

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