Wednesday, October 20, 2010

5 Most Important Things

Although I have never been in this situation before, I have sometimes thought about the five most important things I would grab if my house was about to burn down. Each object has some sort of importance to me in some way.
1. My Pink Bunny
When I was really young, like so young I can't even remember when I got her, I had a stuffed pink bunny named Pink Bunny. Everywhere I went until I was about seven or six years old, I had my pink bunny for everything. Getting shots, first day of kinder garden, grade one, and all of the scary dreams. When I was younger we lived in Fort St. John and we decided to go visit my moms friends in Medicine Hat, and I forgot my pink bunny there. We drove two hours before we realised we left her at my moms friends house and I was very upset. My parents knowing how much I loved the stuffed toy, turned around and drove back another two hours, just so we could pick her up and head back home...again. Although she has been threw a lot with me, I still have her in my room.
2. Blanket
When I was younger, my Nanny (Grandma) made me a blanket called an Afghan. She knitted it and worked on it for months before she gave it to me for Christmas one year. Although the blanket is old and has holes, its still to this day my favorite blanket, and not just because its warm and fuzzy, but also because she made it especially for me and no one else in the world will ever have the same blanket as me, its one of the things I have left of her.
3. Box
Throughout the years, I've tried to keep a few keepsakes from, photos, medals, certificates, and school Id's. Just a couple of things that hopefully I can keep to look back on some of my accomplishments, and how I've changed over the years.
4. I Pod
I need something to do while I'm waiting for the fire department to hose down my house.
5. Cell Phone
I will need to call someone when the house is on fire. And I'm probably going to have to call for somewhere to stay.

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